You are currently viewing 12 Natural Sources of Manganese (and why you need them)

12 Natural Sources of Manganese (and why you need them)

Manganese is a trace mineral that naturally occurs in our body in the bones, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. The element’s purpose is to help form connective tissue, build bones, and activate metabolic enzymes and chemical processes in the body. Although the body is required only a compact amount of this precious substance, its presence is fundamental for brain functioning and the nervous system. As an essential part of our body composition and dietary ingredient, Better Weigh Medical will dedicate today’s post to manganese by enlightening the importance and natural sources of this valuable nutrient.

There are two forms of manganese that we are intaking through food or supplements: manganese sulfate and manganese aspartate. According to nutritionists, the daily recommended intake of manganese is 1.8miligrams for grown-up females and 2.3mg for males. Eating food rich in manganese is the best source of this nutrient. Here we will introduce you to some good food choices that meet the daily requirements of manganese in small portions.


 Blue Mussels

Blue mussels suppress all other food in manganese content by far. With 5.8mg per three ounces, blue mussels provide 251% of the daily recommended input of manganese.


Similar to previous seafood, clams accommodate 0.9mg of manganese per three ounces which is 37% DV, a compound with iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin B12.

Pacific Oysters

Like blue mussels, this seafood is an excellent source of manganese; just three ounces of this oyster provides 1mg equals 45% of DV. Besides high values of manganese, oysters are rich in other minerals such as selenium, magnesium, copper, and zinc.

The combination of manganese with zinc, copper, and calcium has an important role in bone structure, especially in the older population. The increased risk of osteoporosis in older can be reduced by the intake of manganese with other bone health nutrients. Women are particularly impacted by spinal bone loss, so the intake of manganese combined with vitamin D, magnesium, and boron can have a beneficial effect.


Almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, and pine nuts have a great amount of manganese. Hazelnut contains 76% of the daily requirements per ounce. ¼ cup of pecans with 1.3 mg satisfies 56% of DV. Nuts are also known for their antioxidant propositions. Almonds and walnuts are recognized as anti-inflammatory food, with blood sugar control and lower cholesterol abilities.

Brown Rice

Half a cup of cooked brown rice manages 47% DV with 1.1mg of manganese. In addition, brown sugar is filled with potassium, vitamin B, and fiber that help in weight maintenance, regulate cholesterol levels, lower blood sugar, and balances the gut microbiome.


A half-cup serving of cooked spinach is the source of 0.8mg of manganese, equaling 37% of DV. Enriched with vitamin A and iron, spinach contributes to the immune system’s wealth and reduces anemia. A source of manganese, folates, vitamin A, and potassium, spinach has antioxidant ability. Manganese in spinach is part of the powerful enzyme superoxide dismutase. This enzyme is found in every living cell and represents one of the most antioxidants in our body.


Half a cup of raw pineapple contains 33% of DV for manganese. Besides these properties, pineapple is rich in the enzyme bromelain, which promotes protein digestion, and wound healing and helps with osteoarthritis.


Chickpea is the legume, also known as Bengal gram, garbanzo beans, or Egyptian pea. Cooked chickpeas in half a cup provide 37% DV of manganese, 7gr of proteins, and 6gr of fiber.


Half a cup of boiled soybean stores the 31% DV of manganese and a great number of proteins.

Whole Wheat Bread

One slice of whole wheat bread can supply you with 0.7mg or 30% DV manganese. Regular eating of whole grains can decrease the risk of heart disease.


One-half cup of cooked lentils provides 21% of daily values for manganese. Rich in fiber 8gr and protein 9gr, vitamin B, potassium, zinc, iron, and magnesium combined with manganese helps lowers blood sugar.

Baked Potato

One medium size potato baked with skin can assure 14% of the daily value of manganese. Potatoes’ high content of potassium combined with manganese provides lower blood pressure.

Benefits of Consuming Manganese-Rich Food

The strong antioxidant values of manganese affect the reduction of heart disease. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce the pain caused by inflammatory diseases. As concentrated in the pancreas, manganese has a significant role in the production of insulin and therefore contributes to the stabilization of blood sugar. The vasodilatory function of manganese impacts the veins to enlarge. Increasing the blood flow to the brain, manganese helps in preventing stroke and epileptic seizures. The brain function of manganese manifests in the ability of manganese to bind to neurotransmitters and improve brain and cognitive functions. Manganese has the premise of regulating metabolism by helping the digestion of proteins and amino acids while utilizing vitamins C, E, thiamine, and choline. Thus, adequate levels of manganese have a positive effect on the thyroid gland and liver function.